While designing a porch keep in mind following aspects.
Porch Size: the size of porch should be proportional to the size of your house i.e. a small house should have a small porch while large house may have large porch. A porch does not be too small or too large; which looks ugly and unsymmetrical.
Porch Designing: Porch columns should reflect overall style of your house. They should be big, round pillars of concrete instead of thin wrought iron pillars. Designing porch by grouping columns in pairs gives aesthetic sense to the beauty of your house. Several porches are designed with rows of spindle or curved blusters. Porch walls should be low for more private retreat and upper ledge should be built at the height of windowsills of first floor. Porch ceilings are painted in blue or sky colors on traditional homes. You can paint porch ceiling in paint color of your house or you can go for clear urethane.
Porch Decking: Opt for a wood that resists pests and rots for decking of your porch. The wood is Mahogany coated with clear satin urethane. If you lay decking in a frame pattern with outer edge parallel to the steps, the craftsmanship of your porch will be superior.
For more info Porch Design Tips click here
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